Friday, April 11, 2008

Follow-up to last post

So I was thinking last night as I was falling asleep. If you think about the digital divide from an international level and end up allowing more people in more countries to access the internet that it could play a large role in stimulating the US economy. Think about it. With the value of the dollar being so low at this point, it makes sense that other countries who exchange rates make them wealthy state-side could purchase items from US companies and still be saving money even with the customs fees and taxes. Now I'm not an expert on this sort of thing, so it might not work out in the long run, but I think it's at least an interesting idea to explore.

1 comment:

Incerta said...

That's a good idea, but then it works the other way, too. Americans could buy from other countries more easily--for example, they could get all the Italian leather they want without going to some fancy, super expensive US store. American stores could go out of business, with everyone buying directly from the overseas sources.

There, I commented. One down, three to go!