Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Prouduct placement continued...

Since that last post, I've noticed more and more product placement. Some of the shows that I've been watching have been able to successfully pull it off without me giving more thought to it than "Wow! They always drink that same brand of bottle water in this television show, even while making reference to the per verbal water cooler." Other shows that I've watched have been a little too obvious with their introduction of the items - the number of these shows is far less, and I think it annoyed me, since I was forgot I was looking for it and it jolted me back from the plot line that had dragged me in. Its far less annoying than commercials - I'm curious now whether or not its more cost effective for all parties in the long run? I'll get back to "you" on that...

1 comment:

Incerta said...

I've noticed the same thing! Even in movies--Burger King showed up a few times in Iron Man. I guess when ad agencies can't catch you with commercials, they've still got a chance of getting to you through the movies/TV shows.