Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Product Placement in Television

I thought that Professor Macek's comment about product placement in television shows was interesting, since there have been shows like 30 rock that even made fun of product placement through using product placement to make fun of using product placement. Aiyee! Evening though it can be annoying - like the "Stride" episode of Smallville - other times I would prefer that to having to sit through sets of commercials that break up the story lines.


Steve Macek said...

Interesting point. Come to think of it, I too would prefer watching a TV show (or film) riddled with product placements to enduring all those darn commercial breaks.

writer girl said...

I agree, commercials breaks can be boring, and they take up too much time. If you watch an hour of t.v., about 20 minutes of that could be taken up with commercials. However, I might get sick of too many brand names being placed into shows. Trying to figure out how many different companies are able to advertise at once would be difficult. Big companies like Pepsi would want to advertise in several shows, but this would mean less space for other advertisers, as there would still have to be a balance between plot and ads; otherwise the whole show could easily become an advertisement. And, reruns would quickly become outdated, because of old products.

mluckie said...

I agree as well. Having product placement instead of commercial would keep the shows running smoothly and may even help to maintain viewers attention for the whole half hour or hour. Good point.

h20pologrl said...

I think this is a great point! If they had product placement then the viewer would not get so lost! I know there are many times that I would be watching TV and a commercial would come on, and by the middle of all of the ads I would forget what I was watching! Now this is a rare case, but it has happened before. Is that the advertisers part? or is that my part for not paying attention?

Kate said...

Exactly!! I've had the same thing happen to me. The ads are trying so hard to grab our attention that it gets to the point that the level of excitement in ads is fitting the level of excitement in the shows that they play between.