Sunday, March 30, 2008

Tiffany Brown Interview Response

Reading the interview with Tiffany Brown, I was able to pick up several valuable techniques that she uses while blogging. Well, I take that back, they aren’t really techniques, but rather insights into the people that read and blog. The idea that there is a lose of identity, or that a person can have a fresh start through the Internet, is an interesting concept to me. I had never thought of the fact that it makes our brains work harder, since we don’t have a person in front of us to read and form stereotypes about. The lose of knowledge regarding race, gender, class, etc. that we get from face to face time leaves the comments and communities that can be formed on blogs more up in the air than other methods of communication. Obviously, as Tiffany discussed, there are certain sites, like that are for certain groups, so tend to attract similar people into its folds.

However, this is not entirely guaranteed to be the case. She also talks about discussions that tend to get heated, since there are gender-based attacks even on a site like – this to me was extremely intriguing. I think that what we tend to over look in person is shoved back into our faces because of the lack of a physical being giving us hints and clues about who they are, all we have to go off of is there words. My apologies for digressing…

Tiffany’s discussion of how blogging has changed her writing style to one that is more conversational in style made me sit back and think about the effect that blogging as a whole has had on my life thus far. I tend to be more open and “type-ative” on my blog than I am in person, since I have a chance to type out and read over my feelings before sharing them with the world. I thoroughly empathize with her though when she discusses being burnt out and having to step away from the blogging community for a while, especially when her posts tend to be more emotionally charged. I tend to write two or three short updates throughout a week that goes smoothly, or one long post for several weeks if things get especially emotionally trying.

Enough about me though; To recap the interview, allow more time to write up a post that has links in it, share with the world while understanding that its made up of a variety of people and their opinions (and yours isn’t anymore or less important), blogging can get you opportunities and your name out there or the world to see, and no worries if you forget to post or are too busy, since sometimes that’s just the way the ball bounces.

1 comment:

Steve Macek said...

Interesting post. We're going to be talking about the issue of identity online-- and the fact that the net gives people power to "start over" and "become someone else"-- in a couple weeks.